Post something right now!!!

"Don't worry about being stupid because trust me, no one is reading your blog".
(Penelope Trunk)

Yeah! It's true, isn't it? I guess so!

I decided set up my blog today, right here and right now, with a unique purpose: share my ideas and my thoughs! But with who? Doesn't matter! Everyone is welcome! So to simplify and try to find the right direction to be followed I decide use 5W 2H approach or at least part of it. Shall we go!


I guess isn't time to do long and boring introductions perhaps for who don't know me (the average): my name is Raul Pereira, brazilian, 22 years, recently graduate in Business Administration, generation Y and not so far, someone trying to find a place in the world.


The subjects that I would like to talk about it is everything about career. 'Yeah' because in truth I don't know which subject about career should I pick and also, one is consequence of the other. So I don't want to have to approach only one. I want to be free to write in my own way!


Once finished my university , for the last few months I had been studied in Australia in one school for overseas students and I discovery how good it's learn other language. So , it's a good way to start improve my writing and mainly to show my thoughts and exchange ideas with people that share the same curiosity.


I wrote my own psychological Term and Agreement that contain just one clause:


Who cares!


Anyplace that have internet, one place to seat and time to speak. Yeah I prefer think about this blog how a informal conversation between me and my "many readers". (hehehe)

How much?

I guess that it's for free.

That's all.

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